Teaching in the Outdoors
Note: Course purchase includes completion certificate. Required text not included.
Teaching in the outdoors is a rewarding experience for teachers and students alike. If you think that outdoor learning is only for science lessons, you are wrong! Outdoor classrooms are beneficial for math, reading and social studies also! Not only will you positively affect student’s social-emotional skills, but research has demonstrated better test scores, decreased problem behaviors, and reduced symptoms of ADHD. Through this course, teachers will explore the options available to them for outdoor education, develop their questioning techniques, identify curriculum conducive to their outdoor classroom. The course will be concluded with the teacher engaging in lesson plans with specific performance objectives for their outdoor classroom.
This course is appropriate for both general education and special education teachers of students in grades K-12 and is worth 45 in-service hours (3 semester credits/units).
In this course, participants will have opportunity:
* To explore and identify the outdoor educational settings available to them.
* To develop their questioning techniques to best support outdoor education.
* To reflect and identify curriculum conducive to their outdoor learning.
* To develop lesson plans and performance objectives for outdoor education.
By completing/passing this course, you will attain the certificate 45 Hour