Making Everyone an Independent Reader CL955 (15 Hour Version)


Course number CL955

This course should be not be taken in conjunction with Making Everyone an Independent Reader CL255 due to the fact that is based on the same text and contains the same quizzes.

Note: Course purchase includes completion certificate. Required text not included.

Seek prior approval to ensure that these courses fulfill the necessary requirements of your school district.

Plagiarism will result in automatic failure and forfeits any right to credit or refund. 


Studies have shown that students that read more achieve more. Standardized tests, across all subject areas and grade levels, require students to possess strong reading skills in order to succeed. This course will provide teachers with specific ideas and strategies that will allow them to design and implement a literacy program in their classroom.

This course is appropriate for both general education and special education teachers of students in grades K-12 and is worth 15 in-service hours.

Required Text: Reading Without Limits by Maddie Witter. 

ISBN:  978-1-118-47215-6



This class is based on the text:

Reading Without Limits

by Maddie Witter


By completing/passing this course, you will attain the certificate 15 Hour