Limitless Memory - Advanced Strategies to Improve Educational Success EDU200
Course Number EDU200
Note: Course purchase includes completion certificate. Required text not included.
Memory is a skill that can be enhanced with proven strategies and techniques. This course will provide it's users with a variety of methods to increase memory to help students learn any curriculum more easily. Regardless of the content area, the ability remember important dates, names, formulas, sequence of steps or events will surely decrease the stress that many students feel throughout the year. This course is includes but is not limited to the following topics: Concentration, bringing information to life, linking thoughts, remembering names, art in memory, remembering numbers and self-discipline.
This course is appropriate for both general education and special education teachers of students in grades K-12 and is worth 45 hours of professional development.
ISBN: 978-1-63161-998-4
This course is based on the text:
Unlimited Memory: How to Use Advanced Learning Strategies to Learn Faster, Remember More and be More Productive
Author: Kevin Horsley
By completing/passing this course, you will attain the certificate 45 Hour