Collaborative Problem Solving to Reduce Classroom Behaviors- Literature Review


Are you interested in reducing challenging behavior, decreasing stress levels, and teaching kids the skills they lack?  If you answered yes to this question, this course on  Collaborative Problem Solving is where you will learn to help children gain appropriate replacement behaviors to decrease mal-adaptive behaviors using this evidence-based approach.

PreK through high school teachers can benefit from learning Collaborative Problem Solving and how they can use that understanding to decrease behaviors in the classroom.  This course is appropriate for both general education and special education teachers  and is worth 45 hours of professional development.

Note: Course purchase includes completion certificate. Additional purchase of book is required.

Required reading: Lost at School: Why our kids with behavioral Challenges are falling through the Cracks and How We Can Help Them by Ross Greene.



Course Objectives:

In this course, participants will have the opportunity to:

  • Teachers will explore how to reduce challenging behavior

  • Teachers will identify and foster proactive, rather than reactive interventions

  • Teachers will implement skills related to self-regulation, communication and problem solving

  • Teachers will identify students lacking cognitive and emotional skills and apply the Collaborative Problem Solving approach to support skill acquisition

  • Teachers will create a framework to demonstrate to children and adults how to work towards mutually satisfactory solutions to problems underlying difficult behavior.

  • Teachers will reflect in order to ensure they are  fostering positive relationships with children